Prevendra’s CEO on the BBC discussing the NSA reforms

BBC’s “World have your say” program discusses President Obama’s speech and his recommendations for National Security Agency (NSA) reforms. On 17 January 2014, Prevendra’s CEO, Christopher Burgess participated in the BBC’s World Service “World have your say” radio program. The 50+ minute program was dedicated to President Obama’s Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28) which provides his guidance on Signals Intelligence …

TVPRA - Trafficking Victims Reauthorization Act

Human Trafficking – TVPRA (Trafficking Victims Reauthorization Act) in President Obama’s Hands

The combined bill passed through both houses last week (28 Feb 2013), with The Senate voting 93-5 and The House voting 286 to 138. The passage of the TVPRA follows 2.5 years of congressional debate, rewrites, exclusions and inclusions. The bill was presented to President Obama for signature on 4 March 2013.

Hunger: Together the US and Brazil can make a difference

Kudos to President Obama of the United States and President Dilma Vana Rousseff of Brazil for their discussion of jointly addressing global food security issues during President Obama’s recent visit to Brazil. As my readers know, I am a strong advocate of eradicating hunger in a world where abundance of food is a reality and the issues lay within the ability to distribute…

While lacking visibiilty into the discussions in Brazil which occurred, I am hopeful that President Rousseff highlighted the initiative of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (her hometown) where the municipality has outlawed hunger, rendering it illegal – successfully (see my piece, Hunger Should be Illegal). This model needs to be replicated and replicated widely.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2011

Today is January 11, 2011, Human Trafficking Awareness Day, unfortunately.  The 13th Amendment was signed by President Lincoln on February 1, 1865, unfortunately some 100+ years has been insufficient to remove slavery from the United States.  So we who live in the year 2011 have to have a day to remind us that we have more of our fellow-man enslaved …