OPINION – Trump is the termite in the government
Trump administration is riddled with cronies and family members. It is widely recognized as one of the most corrupt administrations, led by a president who spews falsehoods at an unbelievable rate.
These individuals serve to undermine the confidence in government which the citizens have come to enjoy. The intelligence community as a whole has been sidelined as their product is ignored by the president. He is not one who wishes to have anyone speak truth to power, so he places a lickspittle into the position of Director National Intelligence. It begs the question, was his sole task to undermine the community he is expected to lead? Because from my seat, the DNI is doing his country a massive disservice, while he kisses the ass of the president.
COVID COVID COVID he exclaims. When you hear it does it remind you of the Ginger Bread man? Sadly COVID is ravaging the country and the president, as noted by President Obama, is upset because the virus is getting higher ratings than he is. The reason, because the president downplayed and made light of the lethality of the virus, and thought that stopping travel was all he had to do.
The millions he claims to have saved is utter horsepucky, that number from early in 2020 was the estimate if the government and citizenry did nothing. Portions of the country took the virus seriously and others listened to the man with the bullhorn, Trump. Now we sit together, today, 28 October, with over 228,000 of our fellow citizens dead.
He takes no responsibility, yet as Harry Truman famously noted, the buck stops at the Oval office. This was the case with prior presidents, that is until we had the reality tv version of a president sitting in the Oval Office. This one hides from the truth, the science and the data.
The CDC, once upon a time, shared data from hospitals across the country as to the number of available beds, number of ICU beds and number of COVID patients. That was until July 2020, when Trump decided that COVID wasn’t helping his re-election and if we can’t see the data then it doesn’t exist. Right?
The White House Science office issued a statement on 27 October in which they lay claim to having defeated the pandemic.
The wording? “ENDING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Administration has taken decisive actions to engage scientists and health professionals in academia, industry, and government to understand, treat, and defeat the disease.”
What the hell? What planet are these people sitting and writing this malarkey?
Meanwhile every public health official and epidemiologist is telling us, “Winter is Coming” and it is dark. Yet he has imputed the reputation of the distinguished Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is recognized as one of the most authoritative individuals with respect to the COVID for that of a radiologist who spews nonsense.
Last week an Executive Order was signed by the President which will allow the White House to expunge individuals from policy positions in government at will. The new Schedule F employee designation is to be implemented within 90 days of signing – which is 19 January 2021.
In essence, this lays the ground work for a lame-duck administration to gut the government of their most experienced personnel immediately prior to the transition of the presidency on 20 January 2021. American Federation of Government Employees National President Everett Kelley said this is “the most profound undermining of the civil service system in our lifetimes.”
You see, this president wants one thing. Chaos.
He thrives in chaos, chaos which begins with lies and falsehoods, exaggerations and omissions. His revolving door has seen a litany of individuals who joined the administration to serve the nation. Then when they depart, they universally note that he is singularly the most debase individual they have ever met.
He has but one goal – to weaken the government of the United States.
He is the termite in the White House.
Please vote today. Join the 71+ million citizens whose ballots are in the bank. Given the date, drop off your ballot in person at the drop box or county clerk’s office. If that option is unavailable, vote in person. We cannot have four more years of destruction from the Oval Office.
I endorse Joe Biden, because I see him as a man who can once again bring hope to the nation and put back together the destruction created by the incumbent.