Rest easy: China says U.S. OPM data breach was criminal
Reuters recently reported how the Chinese are claiming they have concluded their official investigation into the allegation that the Chinese government were responsible for the Office of Personnel Management data breach which compromised the identities of ~20 million individuals government clearance portfolios.
It is interesting to note, the Chinese government spokesperson did not indicate the US Government response to this revelation. Few, if any in the international security industry are taking China’s investigatory claims seriously. No doubt, this face-saving step, is a necessary political prerequisite to moving to deeper bilateral cyber security talks.
China’s official Xinhua news agency said on Wednesday an investigation into a massive U.S. computer breach last year that compromised data on more than 22 million federal workers found that the hacking attack was criminal, not state-sponsored.
Source: China’s Xinhua says U.S. OPM hack was not state-sponsored | Reuters
Update 04 December 2015 – 1200 hrs
The Chinese government says it has arrested several people allegedly connected to the massive Office of Personnel Management (OPM) data breach. The arrests reportedly occurred just prior to President Xi Jinping’s visit to the US in September.
Washington Post: The arrests took place shortly before Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit in September.
SCMagazine: China has arrested the individuals it says are responsible for the OPM megabreach, according to The Washington Post.
The Hill: The arrests took place prior to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit in September.