OPINION: The arsonist in the White House
Yesterday the President of the United States claimed he was the “law and order President” and basically declared war on the the country he was elected to lead when he pointed to the Insurrection Act of 1807 and moved to squelch our First Amendment rights found in the Constitution of the United States.
The President cares not one iota about you, me or the country. He cares only for his own ego and the pockets of his ardent supporters in congress – McConnel, Cotton, et al. He shows himself to be scared and hate-filled.
The murder of George Floyd tore the scab off the racial inequality in the fabric of our nation, from 1619 when the first slaver docked in the new continent through today.
Yesterday, we saw the President order the United States Secret Service to disperse the protesters in Lafayette Park so he could walk across the street to St John’s Episcopal church for a photo op. They cleared the park alright – tear gas and flash-bangs. Then the President walked across hoping to appear to be brave, but the nation only saw cowardice.
This is history trying to repeat itself. Think back to the time when a Austrian corporal wrote a book and based his fascist existence upon it. Our President is seeking a dictatorship. He is scared.
And like a toddler he took to a temper tantrum and then thought raising the bible in his right hand as if he was a savior would be a good photo opportunity.
The Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Diocese expressed her outrage – take a moment and listen to her in the YouTube below.
Change is non-negotiable.
There must be change.
The United States was long the light for the globe, the country to which all modeled and aspired to replicate. The administration and Senate leading America in 2020 must be removed.
The 25th Amendment is available. As is the ballot box.
The military should stand down and refuse the orders of the Commander in Chief when he orders them to engage in an unlawful act against the citizens of the United States (the USMJ is clear).
As far as change needed within our law enforcement reform. We do have to scale back the militarization of our police.
There are many within the law enforcement community whose leaders are exemplary, inclusive and focused on equality. We must do more.
California Congresswoman, Katie Porter has it right.
Protests will continue, until change has been effected.
There will also continue to be seeding of those hell-bent on violence and destruction into the mix of those exercising their freedoms. It will be upon us to help our local law enforcement to filter out these individuals while protecting our rights to assemble and have our voices heard.
I will close with the words of the 44th President of the United States:
He will continue to attempt to create photo ops to show himself to be a believer in God, while his actions belay that imagery.
Don’t let the arsonist in the White House burn our country down. Keep him in his bunker with protests everyday. Keep yourself safe, the COVID has not dissipated. Then on November 3, vote him and his cabal out of office so that we may bring America back.
Thank you for your time.