Egypt: Mothers, these are your sons, where is your outrage?

Courtesy of AP

Yesterday I viewed a video from Human Rights Watch, “Egypt:Epidemic of Sexual Violence.”  The video is provided below.  I viewed the piece and listened to the stories, which chronicle the sexual attacks from the “Arab spring” through early July 2013.

It is a sad state of affairs when the sons of mothers engage in these repugnant acts of violation of the women of Egypt.  View the video, perhaps you will agree that the statement, by a young man, “the lead us to it,” simply wants to make you hurl today’s meal.

Sadly, many will assume these acts are demonstrative of the people of Egypt and by extension of Islam.
While I know this not to be true, the lack of universal action to protect the women, allows this meme to perpetuate. In the additional reading section, the work of a few is highlighted.

Mothers of Egypt – hold your sons accountable, stop the violence against women.

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