Hunger Stops Here!

This weekend, one of the charitable groups which I actively and financially support, Northwest Harvest, teamed with King5 TV in a “Home Team Harvest” campaign to raise through donations of both food and money to provide for 3 million meals to those in need in Washington.  Why do I support Northwest Harvest – they require nothing in the form of documentation or registration for an individual to obtain their assistance.  For some, the need to reach out and accept the help of others is a humbling, perhaps embarrassment.  Northwest Harvest realizes that the most important aspect of their mission is to get meals into the hands of the food-insecure within their targeted demographic and not insert themselves into their constituents’ lives.

How can you help?

It’s not difficult.  You can donate time, food and dollars.  Northwest Harvest is looking for large groups to help sort food in their Kent, Washington warehouse, their Cherry Street Food Bank in downtown Seattle serves over 2000 people on full-service days – they are always looking for volunteers.  To donate to Northwest Harvest:  NORTHWEST HARVEST  For 67 cents Northwest Harvest can provide a family of three a nutritious meal.

Northwest Harvest’s motto is Hunger Stops Here – if we all pitch in, it will.


Additional Reading:

Home Team Harvest Raises 3,152,637 meals

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