Tiffani Maxwell – Bullycide Victim – Age 16 – January 2011

In mid January 2011, Tiffani Maxwell of Portersville, PA took her own life, she shot herself. According to her parents she was the target of bullying and falsehoods – the methodology included both cyber-bullying and face-to-face by her classmates.
Her mother, Sandy reported that Tiffani was falsely accused of using drugs at school and was expelled. Following the expulsion she received text messages saying ‘Tiffani you’re in rehab.’ ‘You’re on drugs.’
Tiffani, was 16 years of age and in the 11th grade at Slippery Rock High School when she passed. According to her obituary, “She was a member of The Presbyterian Church of Prospect. She loved her horse, Sunshine, and enjoyed barrel racing. She liked to cook and bake for her family. She enjoyed the outdoors, riding quads and the Boston Celtics.”
Her cousin created a moving tribute video in honor of Tiffani, which carried the following message: “To a terrific loving cousin and friend to all. R.I.P. Tiff ♥ “: Tiffani Maxwell tribute video
On the anniversary of Tiffani’s birth – 12 May 2012, another moving tribute to Tiffani was posted: “Tiffani Zosha Maxwell Never Forget – 5-12-94 – 1/15/2011“
As a result of her death, her parents have taken direct steps to raise awareness on bullying and the tragic consequences it can bring. If you would like to add your voice to mine and more than 10,000 others you can join their cause by clicking here: JOIN “Peer Pressure Against Bullying CAUSE
The cause page describes its purpose:
This cause has been started after a student from Slippery Rock High School killed herself from the vile and relentless bullying of her very own peers at school. We need to stop all forms of bullying, not just in school, but in all settings, to stop the perpetrators from continuing to degrade others for their own enjoyment. The whole student body of Slippery Rock High School is affected by this tragedy and I am taking a personal step to advocate that those responsible for bullying nationwide are stopped so that we do not to have to hold funerals for needless teenage deaths.
1. To stop the epidemic of bullying in schools by raising awareness and promoting kindness.
2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255): Suicide hotline, 24/7 free and confidential, nationwide network of crisis centers.
My heart goes out to the family and friends of this lovely young lady.
For additional reading:
Family Believes Local High School Student Committed Suicide After Bullying
Obituary: Tiffany Zosha Maxwell
Family: Bullying cause of Slippery Rock teen’s death