Cyber Security Awareness: Are you?

01 October 2011 – #NCSAM (National Cyber Security Awareness Month)

Cyber Security Awareness:  Are you?

Today marks the start of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) in the United States.  If you’re reading this piece you are on a social network and have a modicum of interest in your online security.  Throughout the month (as I have for the past few years) I will be publishing snack size tips that you may wish to share (family, friends, colleagues, or whomever) so that all have a leg-up on keeping their online activities enjoyable, but also safe and secure.

Do you use Facebook?  With over 500 million subscribers perhaps the right question to ask is how many of your friends or companies aren’t using Facebook?  Do you have your privacy settings locked down?  Do you review what Facebook’s constant changing of your privacy capabilities (not all of which are detrimental, but many certainly expose your information to more persons than perhaps is wise or desired.   Take for example the newest change, that of “subscriber,” according to Facebook’s explanation, subscribers aren’t individuals you friend, but rather individuals who subscribe to view and read items you post.  And those individuals may have your best interests at heart or they may be acting from a purely malevolent perspective.  To put it in the bluntest of terms, if you have the “subscriber” option open in your Facebook settings, know that you do, because anyone with a Facebook account can then view, retain and compile your information.  If you do choose to open up subscribers to your Facebook account, and I do understand why many may wish to do so, ensure the information you are sharing is information you are comfortable being used in any manner imaginable from the negative extreme of stalking you, your family or your employees to the positive extreme of new business or connecting with long-lost friends and family.
In sum – keep an eye on the Facebook’s changes and how they can affect your privacy, safety and security.

Be safe, be secure,



Additional Online Safety and Security tips in honor of #NCSAM (National Cyber Security Awareness Month)

09 October — SMISH smash, don’t let your accounts take a PHISH bath:
07 October – Mobile – daily risks mitigated:
05 October – Game On! – Eight tips to stay safe online gaming:
03 October – Location Location Location – Ten tips to stay safe using location based services:










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