Accountability – You own your actions

One of the side shows of the recent Casey Anthony trial was the behavior of one of the spectators: Matthew Bartlett, read the admonishment on the court room door and ignored it.  The admonishment in very large print said:  Any gesture, facial expression or audible comment showing approval or disapproval during a court proceeding is absolutely prohibited. Bartlett most have forgotten he had read this when he decided to give the one-finger salute to the prosecutor.  What Bartlett hadn’t counted on was that the court television feed was being monitored for both safety and security purposes, but also to ensure that the jurors faces were never revealed.  That gesture earned Bartlett a short discussion with Judge Belvin Perry, a man who in the course of a few short minutes demonstrated to young Bartlett that one is responsible for one’s actions and one will be held accountable.  That one finger wave now has placed yet another misdemeanor onto the already soiled portfolio of Bartlett’s and will be carried with him life.

Here’s the entire sequence as provided by ABC News on YouTube:  Judge Perry vs Matthew Bartlett

So let’s all remember, if you do it, you own it and you will be held accountable for your actions.  Matthew Bartlett received six days in Orange County, Florida’s jail to ponder his actions.

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One Comment

  1. I enjoyed the reminder of the seriousness of a courtroom. The judge made a great point about the fact they went to great length to make sure everyone understood the rules and expectations in the courtroom. It was a disrespectful gesture and could have possibly influenced a juror, causing a mistrial.

    With today's technology we should all realize our actions are most likely recorded somewhere. It could be through a photo or video that someone you know took, or it could be from a bystander or a surveillance camera.


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