Online Safety – “Bullycide” the End Result of Cyber Bullying

The recent suicide by Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi is a horrific tragedy on so many levels.  As I noted in my prior pieces on cyber bullying, tolerance and respect are sorely lacking in today’s society.  This situation is further amplified by our ubiquitous online presence, which in this instance created a situation beyond which Tyler Clementi was able to cope.

We need to educate the young of our society, that taunting and sharing an other’s private matters in a public manner is simply wrong.  We need to also use the Internet responsibly and not as a weapon to torment and harass an other.  This is National Cyber Security Awareness Month – we need to all take steps to keep our young safe and to teach our young the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Brittany Snow

I’d like to share with you some thoughts from others. 
Brittany Snow who has launched the “Love is Louder” (#loveislouder) with the support of many organizations, including MTV, Jedi Foundation, DoSomething, the Trevor Project, Reach Out, Active Minds and the Ad Councel to help spread the message of tolerance and love vice intolerance and hate. We don’t need more victims of bullycide. She asks that we visit the Love is Louder Facebook page.

Annie Fox

Annie Fox whose writings I find to be prescient and straight to the point, gets it and articulates it.  I urge you to read her piece “Broken kids are breaking all of us“.  I thanked Annie personally for writing her piece, and I urge you to read and more importantly share the piece with all.

My heart truly goes out to the Clementi family in their hour of grief and tremendous loss. There is nothing I or anyone else can say which will bring your son back to you.  What I can do is to make a call  to action. 

  • Encourage the young of our society to accept who they are, and be all they can be with the capabilities given to them.
  • Teach our young how to cope when overwhelmed.
  • Direct our young on appropriate use of the Internet as a tool of collaboration, knowledge sharing and commerce, and not as a tool of hate.

I was and am sadden beyond words at the loss of this young man. I can’t imagine the pain and heartbreak if one of my children found themselves unable to cope. What are you thoughts?

Thank you for your time.

All the best,

Online Safety”  Cyber Bullying (July 2010)

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