BackPack Programs
In the United States there are programs within the public school systems to assist children with reduced resources to be able to have a light meal cum snack before school and a reduced price lunch during school. When the child goes home, they eat what is placed on the table which if they are fortunate their parent/guardian will prepare, but as often as not, they themselves must prepare. What if there isn’t any food at home? The child goes hungry? Not if there is a Backpack Program.
You see, the Backpack Program is designed to assist those children when no other resources are available. A local food bank provides no-prep food to local schools to slide the food into the backpack of these children during the school day Monday-through-Friday with more on Friday so the child has a meal on the weekend. In Washington State, Northwest Harvest and Foodlife Line provide this service to schools across the state.
How did the concept come about. According to Feeding America: “The BackPack Program concept was developed at the Arkansas Rice Depot, after a school nurse asked for help because hungry students were coming to her with stomachaches and dizziness. The local food bank began to provide the school children with groceries in non-descript backpacks to carry home.”
Isn’t it worth knowing if your school is participating in the Backpack Program? If not, take the initiative and introduce the school to the concept and facilitate their introduction to the program and the local food bank supported by Feeding America or (if you are in Washington state, Northwest Harvest).
You may also donate to the Virtual Food Drive #VFD2010, where your $1will be matched by Libby’s and enable the provision of 14 meals. Click Here to DONATE NOW
Thank you for your time.
All the best,
Christopher Burgess – Virtual Food Drive – Race to 35,000 Meals
1 in 6 Hunger; 1 in 7 Struggle
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