Hunger: Food Insecurity in 2010, What’s Up With That?

The summer of 2010 will be remembered for many different reasons, be it the tragedy unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico which will change the lives of so many or perhaps the turn around in the economy.  As the eternal optimist, I would like to think that we, that is you and I, may be able to assist the one in six Americans who are struggling with reality of “food insecurity” and help move these good people into the statistical silo of “food secure.”  Its 2010 and hunger abounds, what’s up with that?

Who feeds our children?  During the months August-June many of the school aged children in the United States are provided their nutritional meal at their school.  And through programs such as Northwest Harvest “Three Squares” program food is provided to public schools with a high percetage of students participating in the reduced-price school meals program, the children are provided nutrious supplemental food each day to take home.  But what about the summer?  Thankfully, organizations such as Feeding America and Northwest Harvest are stepping up and filling the void.  Northwest Harvest continues to supply over 300 food banks throughout Washington State and Feeding America has initiated their Kids Cafe program.  The Kids Cafe program avails food via Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

Watch this video featuring siblings Kenny and Senaya who participate in the Kids Cafe program:

Where does our food come from? I reside in Washington State, with approximately 6,664,195 others. It truly is ever-green and thus Washington has a robust agricultural sector encompassing approximately 35 percent of the land area of the state. Interestingly the average farmer in Washington is 57 years old, and works a farm of less than 100 acres. These fine folks produce & supply to our grocers and by extension our kitchens Fruit, Dairy Products, Grain, Vegetables, and Cattle. These farmers not only help feed those who live in Washington, but a good deal of their produce goes to those both near (in the United States) and far (abroad). They are doing their part in creating the opportunity to solve the food insecurity issue, they are producing food. Food which is available both in my state, and elsewhere, and their good efforts are replicated throughout the United States.

How can you help? It’s not difficult.  You can donate time, food and dollars.  Northwest Harvest is looking for large groups to help sort food in their Kent, Washington warehouse, their Cherry Street Food Bank in downtown Seattle serves over 2000 people on full-service days – they are always looking for volunteers. 

To donate to Northwest Harvest:  NORTHWEST HARVEST  For 67cents Northwest Harvest can provide a family of three a nutritious meal.

To donate to Feeding America:  FEEDING AMERICA  Feeds millions of Americans $1 provides up to seven meals.

Thank you for your time.

All the best,

USDA – Washington Fact Sheet
Northwest Harvest – Cherry Street Food Bank (711 Cherry Street)
Feeding America – Website

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Wordle: Food Insecurity in 2010.  What's up with that?

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