Ashley Rogers – Age 15

Ashley – Age 15

Ashley Rogers was a 15-year-old Sophomore at Glenn High School in Kernersville, NC, who in April 2010, hung herself in her family’s home following two days of bullying from two classmates from Glenn High School.  The harassment came in the form of text messages.  The two boys began at 1030PM on the evening of April 08 and continued to pepper Ashley with text messages throughout the evening ending at around 0730AM the morning of April 09.  Ashley’s mother called the school to advise that two students had been harassing their daughter.

The Winston-Salem Journal reported the school’s action: “”The administrators talked to all the students involved,” said Theo Helm, a spokesman for the school system. The students were told that such behavior would not be tolerated. Because the messages were not sent during school hours, no disciplinary action was taken against the students, Helm said.”

Earlier this month, February 2011, Ashley’s mother spoke about her daughter’s death and the bullying which her daughter received.   In this piece you will hear about relational bullying inside the schools, and how it serves to isolate the targeted child.

Winston-Salem Journal – Student at Glenn hangs self

*Note: 18Dec2014 – Per Ashley’s mother, Ashley was harassed by two boys (not two girls as we noted in our original piece) – we have corrected this fact.



Bullying: The 34 we lost in 2010 to Bullycide.


  1. I really miss her . We knew each other since like kin. i love her with all my heart and she will be missed

  2. Dear Mrs. Rogers my name is Shelby Loyal from Ozark, Alabama my school G.W. Long High is plagued by bullies i would greatly appreciate it if you would come to my school and speak to us about bullying. I belive it would really make a difference for some of the teenagers to here about this. Of course I realize if it would be too painful to talk about or if it is too long of a drive.I just thought maybe this could stop the bullying at my school.Thank you for inspiring me. Plus I am very sorry for the loss of your daugther i didn’t know her but im sure she was an amazing person. Ashely Rogers will be greatly missed!!!!!!

    1. Dear Shelby,

      I know I am almost 2 years behind….but I just saw your post. I would love to come speak at your school. Bullies need to understand the outcome of their actions. Ashley’s school has not been receptive to an assembly of this nature…..are you sure your school would be? Please let me know if this is something you want to persue.


      Christine Rogers

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