Hunger: We Took a Bite Out of Hunger
Thank you!
Good Morning,
The virtual canned food drive hosted by Libby’s finished today and I wanted you to know what our modest collective efforts and your donations helped achieve:
A. Our matching donors grew from Libby’s match of $1 and was coupled with two additional matches within Feeding America’s network during the course of the campaign so each dollar collected became $4 to Feeding America or 28 Meals vice 7.
B. Many respondents to my initial email, Twitter-tweet, Facebook comment, Linked-in status or this blog started their own Virtual Canned Food Drive or donated directly to Feeding America via Libby’s.
C. Others gave of their time at their local food banks – individually, with their church, or Scout troops.
D. Others donated food directly to their local food banks.
E. Within our campaign, the combined donations amounted to $2131 – just $369 short of our goal of $2500, and twice Libby’s recommended campaign target – though when you include the individual efforts of all, we far exceeded our goal.
F. With matching funds, Feeding America was provided sufficient funds to put approximately 60,000 meals on the tables of those who require the assistance of America’s food banks.

I thank you for your kindness and generosity in helping address Hunger in America and I thank Libby’s for their initiative in teaming with Feeding America and creating their “Get Back to The Table” campaign.
Thank you for your time.
All the very best,
Christopher Burgess
Libby’s Virtual Canned Food Drive: http://help.feedingamerica. org/goto/BurgessCT
Thanksgiving: Give Thanks, Take Action: http://www.veritate-et- thanksgiving-give-thanks-take- action.html
Hunger: Thankful for so Much; Worried for so Many: http://www.veritate-et- thankful-for-so-much-worried- for.html
Hunger: Take a Bite Out of Hunger – http://www.veritate-et- take-bite-out-of-hunger-in. html
Hunger: How is This Possible in Today’s World?: http://www.veritate-et- how-is-this-possible-in- todays.html
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