Hunger: Thankful for so Much; Worried for so Many

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and we have so much about which to be thankful – the basics of life available – roof over our head; good health, employment and food on our tables.  Unfortunately, in this year of 2009, the number of those who are homeless is increasing; those ill increasing, unemployment is greater than 10% and sadly, more than 14.6% (17.1 million) of our nation’s households are food insecure.

You can make a difference.  $1 in Feeding America’s hands places 7 meals on the table of a family visiting our nations food banks. Sadly, the food banks nationwide are suffering shortages.  These shortages are not new, this situation has existed throughout the year. Here is President Obama touching on this very topic in February 2009 during a visit to Indiana (President Obama)

I’ve been asked of late by many who have read my prior pieces on hunger, what is the situation in my state? Take a look at this map prepared by the USDA which indicates each state’s situation with respect to percentage of households who are food insecure, i.e., not knowing from where their next meal will come.

And what are the trends?  The trend is up and to the right.  Unemployment is at greater than 10% in the US, and I shudder to think of what the data is showing us for 2009 – the 2008 data provided by the USDA is quite sobering:

The need is outstripping the current levels of support, we collectively aren’t channeling sufficient food or dollars to our nations foodbanks.  But dire straits these are not, we can make a difference, the time, however, is now. 
Please join me in Libby’s Virtual Canned Food Drive and let us use every one of their offered matching dollars, in doing so your $1 puts 14 meals on the table of a family who hungers.  With your help, we can continue to be thankful we live in the nation we call home and remove the worry for so many who hunger.
((Update 23 November:  There is now additional matching for every dollar raised $1=$4 – that is 28 meals for every dollar donated))
Thank you for your time,
All the best,
Please click and scroll down to the RED – Give Now
We are at 45% of our goal of $2500
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