Harrison Brown – Age 15

On September 25, 2010, Harrison Chase Brown committed suicide in Rand, Colorado. Harrison Brown was a sophomore at Poudre High School. Friends have told media that Harrison Brown was bullied and that precipitated his taking his own life. No other information has been made publicly available.
We Love You Harrison Brown – Facebook Page
After all these years, Harrison is thought about every day by someone mostly everyday by the 2 people in the world who paid the ultimate price in so many ways. Harrison was the most remarkable young person. Take some time and think how you could do a kind word or deed every day. Love is in you. Find it and live it. Peace.
It makes me proud to say that this young mans life, story, and name lives on through Rise against’s efforts. That only such a small band stood up and decided, that, this young man deserved to be remembered, that is what matters. The fact that even now, people can dream of denying them the right to marry, needs to read every DAMN life story of the children who took their lives because of other’s hatred. maybe that will change their minds. I dare them to watch the Make It Stop video. My mother hates gays, And for that, I do not respect her. I always wanted to confront her, because when she was in high school, she aided in the bulling of children. A classmate of hers took their life because of it! and never once did she think twice. I just don’t have the courage to tell her off. People make me sick sometimes.
That video makes me want to do something to help future kids out…gay or not….kids/teen suicide has always been close to my heart. brought a tear or two to my eye when i first watched it.
Many poeple have died because of bullying. I have teased someone that is now my friend and when i look back to those moments, i regret everything. I am now trying to replase those memoreys with ones that of my friend. If only those people could see that before you died. May god accept you in heaven.
I didn’t know you but I really wish I had. I had never even heard of you until this terrible reason…. i wish you could know that there are people out there that love you…. and you are special and beautiful… i have been where you were several times…. ive been bullied… teased…. left out… yelled at…. i lost all of my friends last year… BUT i wish you could find out like i did that IT GETS BETTER… not too long after all that happened, and when i was about to the point of no return, i got a life changing letter…… i had applied to a NEW school for a NEW start and a NEW me… i got my beggining and i got to rewrite myself… and although i struggle through a lot of the time, im alive again and making a new start and a stronger me…. i wish you could be around… Webb has saved my life… maybe something couldve saved yours….
i wish you wouldve known that…
i still struggle through… but i can at least walk again and am learning to fly….
My eyes have been opened. Rest in peace.
All of my good friends knew you, and were so effected when this happened.. I live in fort Collins Colorado. I wish I could have met you, damn… You changed my life, and your story I hope you know that. Thank you, and you know you are so missed.. Keep that in mind always<3 you had thousands that loved you
I have no idea who you are. that just makes me sad because if i did know you we could have been friends. Just always remember you are who you want to be. Not who anyone else wants you to be. bully just want to feel better about themselves so they bully others. You are loved <3
I don’t know you, and I only know the unhappy ending to your story, I don’t know why anyone would try to hurt you. But my prayers go out to you. I have gone through the same thing you have, and i almost lost my life to all those words of hatred. Because i wanted it to end too, but i know now that it didn’t have to end like this. I have shed so many tears when i heard your story, you may not know it but you are an inspiration. I wonder if maybe someone would have known, we could have helped. I wonder if you cried out and no one heard. Your story will be heard and will not be silenced. My heart goes out to you and you family. I learned your story from Rise Against and i will never forget it , It’s time your voice is heard and we take a rise against bullying. Rest In Peace- The one who listened
There’s too much more to live for then to die. People that pick on people every day for weeks or months on end should be the ones that are put into jail for this. I say this cause i went through the phase and one of my friends got me through it. It takes one person or one kind heart to save a life but it takes a group to make you want to end yours. I apologise if you don’t understand me. If you watch Make It Stop by Rise Against. You’ll see what i mean.
I’m Sorry
I know i didnt know you, but my heart goes out for you and the rest of your family, along with other families. I cried when i heard about you and the others that are in the song Septembers Children by Rise Against. I understand what you have been through. People picked on me too. It was all because im different. Its okay to be different. I hope your in a better place. We all miss you. <3
Hey man I’m a year older than you I live in Chicago I just want to say how my prayers go out to you and your family I got picked and bullied for a big chunk of my life and it’s brutal I never you but I cried my eyes hearing this. You may not know this but a band named rise against made a song about u and when I heard it I cried my eyes out you didn’t deserve that no kid does hope your in a better place. Your gone but sure as fuck never forgotten. R.I.P. See you on the otherside
you know, i never knew you in person, but my best friend haley lynn has told me so much about you. i wish you wouldnt have been so young hunny): im so sorry for the heartless, heartles people that did this to you, and as haley said, i hope they have a heap of regret flowing through them every waking moment. <33
its so messed up what they do to kids and teens like us and me these days ut i have a thought of suicice cause of bullying…i went threw with it but i just couldnt do it but what makes me so upset and pissed is the fact that ppl get a joy out of it then once somhing major happpens they stop laughing and realize what they did harrison i never new and im not gana no u im sorry for u death and im sorry for ur loved ones rip harisson and by the way the way i found his name is in a song called make it stop by rise against
I can’t believe people now a days and everything do can affect someone so much……i don’t even know how to answer any question running through my head about how people can bully anyone just because they dress differently, act differently, are different and people should believe that just because your different makes you unique and that will make you stronger then anyone that picks on you and just keep your head up and ignore the people that pick on you cause you will come up on top of everything 🙂 just take everyday with a positive attitude 🙂
I don’t understand why somebody would bully or harass somebody so amazing. I hope whoever did it pays for it every day. We love you Harrison and you’re always in our thoughts. <3 i can't believe it's almost been a full year. Remember everybody, bullying hurts people more than you know.
I feel so bad. I heard his name on the Rise Against song “Make It Stop”. I am praying my best friend doesn’t make the same decision he did, I am so sorry for the loss of him. :”(
Yeah, Its thanks to rise against that im researching all those names. Im using the song for a lyrics analysis assignment and i plan on making a BIG statement while im at it. This is NOT ok.
im doing the exact same megan, i was told to do an activism paper, and choose make it stop (september’s children) by rise against, the lyrics are so powerful and true. i plan on having my teacher use it as an lesson to show how much bullying can hurt and even cause death.
they need to take affimative action. this has to stop. im so sad to see people judging others that they hardly even know. im so sad and i dont even kno him. my condolencses go to his family and frinds. (ps. sorry for the spelling errors.)
I miss you so much Harrison.
I don’t understand how anyone could be so heartless to bully someonebody else. Last year we had someone take his own life, because of that his twin brother was destroyed and it seems he is falling apart slowly. This year, the same thing happen, and we were absent one student in my homeroom because of bullying. Ppl just seriously need to see what happens when you stand around and do nothing but watch. Ppl need to see how words and pain can effect someone’s life. It needs to stop. And i am sorry for all of your losses, may God help to rest their souls and find peace.
he, and many others will be remembered at our school for the national day of silence. my mother, who took her own life in september, not for her sexual oreintation but because of being who she was. I think that’s what this is really about. people not being able to accept others for who they really are, the person they often are afraid to be. my hart goes out to the family and friends of these truly amazing people. thank you, clohe.
My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. And you are absolutely correct, people need to accept each other for what they are, not for what we expect them to be.
How can anyone bully a person so sweet..<3
Bullying of one so young or of any age needs addressing. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
Much appreciated.